Saturday 6 February 2010

Man playing 'Dancing Queen' on a didgeridoo - how abba-riginal!

Ah its good to be back on the open road!

Matt, Bertrande and the Open Road

We set off into the outback for some mountainous adventuring in the Grampians. Bruce, not Ned gave us a bed in Ned's Bed's and we spent our first evening watching (and joining in) some Aboriginal dancing : S

Cutting down a tree to get some honey...

...Oh no the bees came and got us argh!

After drinking tea and watching Harry Potter back at the hostel, we were fortified to hike ourselves up to the Pinnacle of the Grampian Mountains the next day.

At the start of the clambour

Nearly there now Jen...

Gasp...we finally made it to the top, and the scramble was definitely worth it for the view. Down we go!

After some icecream

we went for a drive about to see some of the rest of the local scenery.

Hall's Gap from on high

Jen on a rock

Obligatory waterfall pic


On to Adelaide!